AR 3300
AR 3500

Frequency Expansion:

Peak and Tune

Cut one leg of D-73 to provide talkback in AM mode.

Variable Power Modification

This modification adds variable power to the AR3500. You will need a 5K chassis-mount potentiometer, an appropriate knob for the pot, and enough hook-up wire for three lengths to route from the main board to the outside of the radio chassis. The potentiometer is mounted to the side of the radio chassis, on the left side of the radio as you are facing it (with the speaker down). A through-hole for the potentiometer shaft must be drilled through the radio chassis as well as through the radio covers. This modification will provide variable RF out for AM/FM/CW modes only. The instructions below assume the potentiometer has been installed in the radio chassis.

                                 NOTE: If the direction of increased power is opposite from what you want, reverse the
                                             two outside wire.