Cobra 29 NW Super Swing Modification

There are tricks to lower the carrier of the Cobra 29 transmitter while keeping the modulation swing almost to maximum. Say you have a amplifier that requires 25 Watts peak input to deliver full peak output power, but you only want a 2 Watt dead carrier. First the final output transistor must be changed to the 2SC1969. Then the JP-36 jumper is removed. Add a 50 to 200 Ohm resistor and a 220 MFD 16 volt capacitor in the JP-36 location. See the schematic below for the resistor and capacitor location.


Pic of PCB:

The resistance value will have to be selected for the desired carrier level. The lower the resistance, the higher the carrier. For a cleaner signal, don't eliminate the AMC, just adjust it for maximum modulation. Also retune L14 for maximum RF swing then check your carrier level again. It may be necessary to select another resistor value once L14 is readjusted, or a compromise may be achieved to get the proper carrier to swing level desired.


VR1 Receiver IF Gain
VR2 "S" Meter
VR3 Squelch Range
VR4 AMC Automatic Modulation Control
VR5 RF Meter
VR6 SWR Warning Indicator
D11 Cut To Eliminate AMC