Eagle Radio Modifications

Sidewinder 400:


<RV5-AMC, RV6-ALC, RV4-AM/FM Carrier Power, RV7-TX Meter Adjustment>

Freq. Expansion:

  1. Remove covers.
  2. Locaste a small PC board on the right side near the front.
  3. There is a set of pins with a jumper over pin 1 and 2.
  4. Remove this jumper and place it on pins 3 and 4.
  5. Replace covers and turn radio on.

Spitfire HandHeld: (Same as Titan RPSY-201):
In the original version, the radio works only in the 10m amateur-band. 
Do the following to open it for 454 channels: 
From Right toward Left, S1, S2, and S3 will have no Solder Bridges, S4 will have the solder bridge in place and should be left in place. 
Remove only the RESISTOR located between S3 and S4 Solder Bridge pads. 
Reset the processor by connecting the reset-pad to ground for a second. 
After the modification you have to press [Func], [Call] (longer than 3sec.) to enable the full frequency range from 25.160 MHz bis 29.700 MHz (454 channels). This will need to be done any time the radio is turned off, and back on again. 
While in this expanded frequncy mode Press [Call] to change bands. You can change from frequency display, to channel display by pressing [Func] and then [Call]. 
The light can be enabled to stay on by pressing [Func], and then the light button. It will stay on until you turn the radio off or repeat the step to turn it off. 
Keybeep is also disabled by holding down the talk button and turning the radio on. 
Frequency endings can be changed from 2X.XX0 MHz up to 2X.XX9 MHz modes. 

Eagle Tomahawk:


<RV1-RF Power Meter, RV2-Squelch level, RV4-AM Carrier, RV5-AMC, RV7-Mod METER adj., RV11-13.8v, RV12-S-Meter adj both AM and SSB., RV14-ALC, RV50-Clarifier Center freq. adj.>
<Remove small transistor under FM board next to diode D24 to remove audio limiter>

Frequency Expansion:

  1. Remove top cover.
  2. Behind the number pad there are 2 black jumpers on a small board.
  3. Move both jumpers from pins 1&2 to pins 2&3.
  4. Locate another jumper spot behind the channel display.  If there is no jumper there then either place one there or solder the two pins together.
  5. Reinstall cover and turn radio on.
  6. Use the #1 button to change bands.