KG4ZPN's CB Tune by PLL Type

There is no guarantee expressed or implied that the information contained herein is correct.  Use at your own risk.  "Putting mo' axe in yo' co-ax since 1979!"  Information provided here is just that: information.  If you use it to break the law, then YOU, indeed, have broken the law.
AM6040 - See PLL02A
Pace 8093, 8193: <L12, L4, L3, L2, VR7>
Royce 582, 651: <T302,L303, VR210>
Royce 639, 642: <L12, L4, L3, L2, VR7-AMC, VR11-ALC>
SBE LCMS-4: <L12, L4, L3, VR7-AMC, VR11-AMC>
Sommerkamp TS310-DX: <L12, L4, L3, L2, VR7-AMC, VR11-ALC>
Kraco 2410, 2420, 2430: <L303, L304, VR201>
Pace 8003: <T302, L303, VR201>
Royce 607: <T302, L302, R201>

Cobra 7 Ultra <RV2- AMC>
Cobra 19+(late) <L10 squeeze or spread, RV4>
Cobra 19 DX <L5, L6, L801, RV2>
Cobra 19 Ultra, 19LTD <L301, L302, L303, RV2>
Colt357A <L10, L11, RV2>
Contact 40 FM <T13, T14, T15, RV4- DEV>
Dick Smith DI200<T9, L4, Q18>
GE 3-5909A <T2, T3, L7, Q13>
GE 3-5829B <L12, L13, RV4>
Midland 77-094 <L6, L7, RV1>
Midland 77-106, 77-112, 77-114 <L10, 11, 12, RV4>
Midland 77-116 <L8, L9, RV2>
Midland 77-155, Midland 77-157 <LX12, LX13, LX14, RV4>
Realistic TRC-494 <L5, L8, L9, Q14>
Realistic TRC-495 <L6, L7, L14, VR7>
Realistic TRC-499 <L701, L702, L801, RV2>
Regency Info CB1 <L11, L12, RV4>
Regency Info CB2 <L303, L305, L306, RV201>
Unic RV-CB40TB <T10, L11, RV4>

Pace CB166: <L10, L14, L15, R207>
SBE 26CB/A, 32CB, 43CB: <L6, L8, L9, R4>

Great UK PLL Chassis:
Academy 501, 502, Barracuda GT868, Elftone ELCB6000, Fidelity CB300M, 1000M, Great GT858B, GT868B, Halcyon Cheetah, Condor, Johnson XK2000, Lake 850, Lake 950, Sapphire 2000DX, Steepletone SCB1FM, Transcom CBX2000, CBX4000: <L8, L11, R75-FM Deviation>
Sharp CB5740: <L303, L302, R541-AMC, R542-ALC, C31-AM Power>
HD42853 - see µPD2814C
(OLD chassis, includes Lincoln et. al.)
Expanded frequency coverage:
1. Locate pins 34 & 35 of the Main mP Chip IC315.  This is the largest chip on the synthesizer board labeled PB121BB.
2. Break the grounding trace of pins 34 and 35 where at the narrow spot leading to the main grounding foil.
3. Put a jumper between the left-most pin of resistor pack RR301and Pins 34 and 35 of IC315. (Or apply 5 vDC from elsewhere)
AMC, etc. labeled on circuit board(s).
KM5624 - see µPD2814C
GE 3-58504A, 3-5871B, Sanyo TA2000, TA4000, TA6000, Realistic TRC454, TRC470: <L901, L903, L905, VR7>
Realistic TRC459: <L6, L9, L10, VR13-AMC, VR5-ALC, VR14-AM Power>
Realistic TRC480: <L7, L10, L11, VR13-AMC, VR5-ALC, VR14-AM Power>
Colt 222, Commtron VIII, Jaws II: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Hystar 100, Palomar SSB500 (late), Stag 357: <L32, L30, VR7-AMC, CT7-ALC, VR8-AM Power>
Midland 100M, 150M, 77-101B, 77-101C, 77-824-C, Colt 510: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Realistic TRC462: <L11, L14, L15, VR3, VR2-AMC>
Robyn SB540D: <L451, L454, VR311-AMC, VR312-ALC>
SBE 47CB: <L11, L14, L15, KVR5, VR4-AMC>
Tristar 120: <L10, L11, L12, L13, R230>
LC7130 / LC7131
Audiovox MCB40: <T11, T12, T13, T14, VR3>
Cobra 19X: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Cobra 19XS: <L205, L206, L207, RV201>
Cobra 19+ (early): <L304, L305, L306, RV501>
Cobra 20+: <L305, L305, L307, RV501>
Cobra 40+: <L305, L305, L306, RV104>
Cobra 66, 67, 70  LTD: <L11, L13, L14, RV4>
Cobra 90 LTD: <L303, L304, L305, RV201>
Colt 210: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Courier Galaxy IV: <L12, RV3-AMC, RV8-ALC, RV7-AM PWR>
Courier Galaxy V, VI: <L48, VR14-AMC, VR12-ALC, VR13-AM PWR>
Dick Smith D1450: <L206, :207, RV201>
Fox CB340, GE 3-5805B: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
GE 3-5826A: <L7, RV6-AMC. RV2-ALC, RV7-AM PWR>
Intek 49+: <L304, L305, L306, Q202-AMC>
Midland 75-790: <T8, L1,L3, D202>
Midland 76-300,  77-001: <L205, L206, L207, RV201>
Midland 77-225: <L11, L13, L14, RV4>
Midland 77-911, 77-915: <T8, T9, T10, Q101>
Midland 101M, 103M: <L205, L206, L207, RV201>
Midland 150M (US): <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Midland 151M, 202B, 202M, 2001, 3001 Midland 4001: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Pierce-Simpson Super Tiger,  Super Lion MkIII:<L11-RF, RV3-AMC, RV8-ALC>
Pyramid CB26: <L14, L16, L17, Q19>
Realistic TRC410: <L4, L3, Q12>
Realistic TRC414: <L3, L6, Q10>
Realistic TRC421A, TRC422A: <L3, L6, Q12>
Realistic TRC428: <L5, L8, Q20>
Realistic TRC472: <L212, L210, VR204>
Roadmaster RE6000:<T7, L7, RV4>
Raodmaster RE8000: <T12, L5, RV3>
SAM 2000: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Unic RV-CB50: <L14, L16, Q25>
Uniden AX-11: <L12, L14, TR14>
Uniden PC77: <L16, L13, TR30>
Vice-President ROY: <L304, L305, L306, RV201>
DNT 4000FM: <L2, L3, Q202>
GE 3-5828A: <L306, L307, RV4>
Fox CB240, CB440, GE 3-5806A, 3-5808A, Midland 77-104, 77-805, 77-805A: <L11, L12, RV4>
Midland 77-145, 77-145A: <L204, L206, L207, RV104>
Midland 77-149: <L10, L11, L12, RV104>
Midland 77-158: <L3, L5, RV3>
Midland 77-150: <L303, L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Midland 77-160: <L304, L305, L306, RV204>
Midland 77-250: <L303, L304, L305, L306, RV201>
Midland 77-805, 77-805A: <L11, L12, RV4>
Realistic TRC413: <L3, L6, Q10>
Realistic TRC415: <L10, L11, Q7>
Realistic TRC417, TRC 418: <L10, L3, L1, Q19>
Realistic TRC418: <L10, L3, L1, Q19>
Realistic TRC419: <L305, L306, RV202>
Realistic TRC423: <L304, L305, L306, RV202>
Realistic TRC430: <L306, L307, RV104>
Realistic TRC433: <L4, L3, Q15>
Realistic TRC434: <L6, L3, L1, Q12>
Realistic TRC438: <L809, L811, RV804>
Realistic TRC434: <L6, L3, L1, Q12>
Realistic TRC482: <L304, L305, L306, L307, Q201>
Realistic TRC492: <T11, L3, Q12>
LC7136 / LC7137 UK Chassis, PCMA002F
Amstrad CB900, CB901, Fidelity 2001FM, Harrier CBHQ, Harvard 400M, 402MPA, Harvard H401, H407, Mustang CB1000, CB2000, CB3000, CB3001, Nato 40FM, Transcom GBX4000: <L4, L8, RV3-FM Deviation>
LC7136 / LC7137 UK Chassis, PTBM134AOX
Barracuda HP940, Binatone 5-Star, Speedway, Fidelity CB2000M, Harrier CBX, Harvard 420M, Midland 73-200, Radiomobile 201, 202, Rotel RVC220, 230, 240, Oscar 1, Sapphire X4000, York JCP861, JCP863: <L4, L8, L9, RV2-FM Dev>
LC7137 UK Chassis, PTBM135AOX
Cybernet Beta 1000, 2000, 3000: <L7, L8, RV1-ALC, RV2-FM Deviation>
LC7137 Miscellaneous UK Chassis
Shogun CB: <L157, L154, VR7-ALC, VR8-FM Deviation>
LC7136 / LC7137 / MC3357 Maxon UK Chassis
Cobra 21FXM, Colt 295, Commtron CB40F, Maxcom 4E, 6E, 16E, 20E, 21E, Midland 2001T, 3001, 4001, Sirtel Searcher: <L13, L10, VR5-FM Deviation>
Cobra 18RV: <L303, L305, L306, RV501>
Cobra 18 Ultra: <L303, L305, L306, Q502>
Cobra 21LTD-WX: <l16, l18, Q11>
Cobra 23+: <L303, L306, RV501>
Cobra 93LTD-WX: <L16, L18, VR3>
Cobra HH-35: <L6, L5, L801, RV2>
Midland 77-092: <L3, L6, Q14>
Midland 77-099: <L9, L10, RV4>
Midland 77-118: <L305, L306, RV501>
Midland 77-130: <T7, T8, T9, L11, VR3>
Midland 77-162: <L10, l11, L12, L13, RV2>
Realistic TRC437: <L7, L8, L9, L12, RV2>
Realistic TRC439, TRC443,TRC444: <L104, L900, L901, RV450>
Realistic TRC464: <L5, L6, L801, RV2>
Realistic TRC476: <L303, L304, L305, L306, Q201>
Realistic TRC477: <L7, L8, L9, L12, RV2>
Realistic TRC481: <T9, L11, Q13>
Realistic TRC488: <L302, L303, L801, RV450>
Realistic TRC493: <T7, T8, T9, L12, Q3>
LC7230 / LC7232 / LC7234
(Chips modifiable based on programming)

Cobra HH-40: <L301, L302, L303, Q204>
Cobra HH-70: <L5, L6, L801, Q12>
Midland 77-285: <T9, T10, L4, RV4>
Midland 79-290: <L10, T9, T12, T11, VR11-AMC, VR8-ALC, VR3-AM PWR>
Realistic TRC483: <L408, L409, L801, RV201>
Realistic TRC485: <T17, T18, L8, RV5>
Channel Master CB6830, CB6832: <L903, L905, VR6>
GE 3-5800A, 3-5801A, Teaberry "T" Charlie: <L903, L905, VR7>
GE 3-5810A, 3-5871A, Teaberry Racer "T" 23 & 40 Ch., Teaberry "T" Control (4009): <L903, L905, VR6>
GE 3-5821A: <L903, L906, VR10>
American Motors 32311847, 848, 849, 850: <L302, L304, L305, L306, VR303>
ITT 4400M, Wards GEN-702A, 730A, 774A, 775A, 828A: <L208, L209, L210, L211, VR206>
Kraco KCB4005: <L402, L403, L404, VR201>
Royce 1-632: <L6, L4, L1, VR7-AMC, VR5-ALC>
Sears 280.6267: <L404, L403, L402, D404>
MB8719 / MB8734
(By Chassis Type)
AM In-Dash Models:
Cobra 46/47XLR, 50/55XLR, Midland 63-445: <L112, L109, VR105>

Single Conversion AM/SSB US Models:
Cobra 140GTL, Cobra 142GTL, Courier Galaxy, Midland 79-900, President P400, President McKinley, Washington (new), Realistic TRC450, TRC490, Robyn SB505D, SBE LCBS-8, LCMS-8, Teaberry Stalker IX, XV, XX, Tram D80, D300, Uniden Washington: <L36, TR32-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR6-AM Power>

Dual Conversion AM/SSB US/Australian Models:
Cobra 148 GTL, 148 GTL-F, Cobra 2000GTL, 2000 GTL-WX, Pearce-Simpson Super Bengal MK II, President Grant (new), Madison (new), Uniden Grant, Grant XL,  Madison: <L38, TR24-AMC, VR11-ALC, VR10-AM Power>

Multimode AM/FM/SSB Export Models:
Cobra 148GTL-DX (early), PC879: <L54, VR5-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR11-AM PWR, VR3-FM DEV>
President Grant Export, PC899: <L37, VR14-AMC, VR12-ALC, VR13-AM PWR, VR5-FM DEV>
President McKinley Export (PC893), Stalker ST9-FDX: <L30, L41, VR5-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR11-AM Power, VR3-FM Deviation>
Stalker XX Export: <L38, TR24-AMC, VR11-ALC, VR10-AM Power>
MB8733 / TC9109
Realistic TRC210, TRC216: <L11, L12, VR2-LOW AMC, VR3-HIGH AMC>
Realistic TRC411: <L5, L8, Q10>
Realistic TRC416, TRC429: <L21, L22, VR2>
MC145104 See SM5104
(MM55106 / 116 / 126)
US Models:

Browning Mark 4A: <T303, C602, R603-AMC, R318-ALC>
Cobra 148GTL-DX (late), Superstar 360 FM, PB010: <L44, VR14-AMC, VR12-AMC, VR13-AM Power, VR5-FM Deviation>
Dak Mark V, Robyn 440: <L306, L307, RV202>
Dak Mark IX: <L306, L307, L308, C714, C715, L703, VR202>
Lake 600, Arthur Fulmer 15-4040: <L202, L303, L204, VR2>
Colonel FR360, Palomar SSB500 (late), WKS 1001: <L32, L30, VR7-AMC, CT7-ALC, VR8-AM Power>
Regency CB501: <L103, L102, L101, Q109>
SBE 54CB Keycomm 1000: <T503, L503, L505, VR1>

Export Models:
Alan 87, Cherokee Nightrider 100, 150, Connex 3300, Eagle 2000,  Excalibur Base, Excalibur Samurai, Galaxy 2100, Galaxy II, Galaxy Saturn, President Franklin, Superstar 3600, Superstar 3900, Superstar Gr ("Grant"), Super Galaxy, Texas Star, Galaxy DX44V, DX88V, Mirage 44, Mirage 88, "All Galaxy's are same":
<L33, VR14-AMC, VR12-ALC, VR13-AM Power, VR5-FM Deviation><TR32 is Mod. Shunt>

President Jackson, PB042:
<L33, L30, VR12-AMC, VR8-ALC, VR11, AM Power, VR4-FM Deviation>
MC145109 - See Pll02A
MC14568 and MC14526
Craig L101, Lake 650, SBE 44CB, 45CB: <L305, L308, L309, R226>
Craig L102: <L311, L313, L314, L315, L316, R348>
Royce 601: <L203, L204, VR201>
SBE 27CB/A, 39CB, 40CB: <L502, L505, L507, VR803-AMC, VR302-ALC>
MM48141 and MM55122
Hygain 2716 and all similar CYBERNET AM Models: <L106, L109, L110, RV102>
MM55104 - See SM5104
MM55107N - See SM5107
Lake 410: <L304, L305, L306, RV202>
MN6040 - See PLL02A
GM 4170, 4175, Johnson 4170, 4175: <T17, T18, L5, L6, L7, Q19>
Johnson Messenger 191, 4120, 4125, 4135, 4140, 4145, 4230, 4250, Viking 200: <T8, L3, L4, Q10>
Johnson Messenger 40, 50, 80, Johnson Viking 230, 260, 270, 430: <T85, L84, L85, L86, L87, R49>
Aleron B4900, Palomar 49: <L403, L406, Q201>
Kraco KCB4000: <L2, L3, L6, L9, VR4>
Realistic TRC205: <L302, L303, TR306>
Tenna 10901: <T11, L3, R54>
Tenna 10902: <T16, L4, R71>
Tenna 11302: <L607, L609, L610, Q701>
Gemtronics GTX-4040, Shakespeare GBS-240: <L451, L463, VR481>
Gemtronics GTX-5000, Robyn T240D, Teaberry Model "T": <L801, VC901, VC902, VR4>
Craig L131, L231: <L109, L106, R605-AMC, R130-ALC>
Johnson Messenger 4730, Viking 4740: <T704, T705, T706, R212-AMC, R726-ALC>
NDI PC200, PC201, Tram D64: <L706, L709, R217-AMC, R721-ALC>
Pace 1000BC, 1000MC: <L112, L102, L109, R521-AMC, R134-ALC>
SBE Console VI: <L404, L407, VR404-ALC, VR601 and VR603-Comp Gain>
Pearce-Simpson Jaguar 40B, Vector 770, 790: <L22, L25, L26, FVR3>
Vector X: <L53, L55, L57, VR260>
Kraco KCB4003, Morse/Electrophonics 2001: <L203, L204, L205, L206, VR202>
Kraco KCB4088, Pace 8340, Surveyor 2630: <L407, L404, L402, VR104>
HyGain 681, 682, Kraco KCB2310A, 2320A: <L106, L109, L110, RV102>
(By Chassis Type)
Early 3-Crystal AM, 23 and 40 Channel, US Chassis numbers PTBM027/033/036/038/039AOX, etc.:
Delco (GM) CBD-10, 1977-78 Series, GE 3-5810B, HyGain 681. 682, 2679, 2679A, 2680, 2681, 2682, 2683, 2701, 2710X, 2716, 2720, 3084B, Kraco KCB2310B/20B/30B, Lafayette Com-Phone 23A, Lafayette HB650, HB750, HB950, Micro223A, Telsat 1050, Midland 13-830, 13-857B, 13-882C, 13-888B, 13-955, Pearce-Simpson Tiger 40A, Tiger Mark II, RCA 14T300, 14T301, Sears 60000, Truetone MCC4434B-67, CYJ4732A-77: <L106, L109, L110, RV102-AMC>
Lafayette LM400, Sears 242.3816: <L201, L203, L204, L205, VR201>
Robyn Gt410D, SX402D: <L15, L18, L19, L20, L21, VR13>
Robyn SX401: <L12, L15, L16, L17, L18, VR7>

Late 2-Crystal AM, US and Export, PTBM049/051/057/092/094/095/106A0X, C0X, Etc.:
Bowman CB910, CB920, CB930, CBH990, Colt 290, 390, 720, 800, 870, SX33, Delco (GM) 1978 series, Formac 88, 120, Gemtronics GT44, GT55, GTX66, GE 3-5804D, 5811B, 5812A, 5813B, 5814B, 5819A, Ham International Puma, Viking, HyGain 2702, 2703, 3107, JC Penney 981-6204, 981-6218, JIL Citizen BPL524, Kraco KCB4010, 4020, 4030, 4045, 5001, 5003, Lafayette Comstat 525, HB640, HB740, HB940, LM100, LM300, Telsat 1140, Major M540, Midland 76-858, 76-863, 76-886, 77-830, 77-838, 77-849, 77-857, 77-882, 77-888, 77-899, 77-955, 77-963, Medallion 63-030, Mocoma 45,Mopar 4094176, Mopar 4094177, 4094178, Morse-Electrophonic 3005, Palomar 4100, Pearce-Simpson Lion 40, Super-Lynx 18, Tiger 40, Ray Jefferson CB845, RCA 14T260, 14T270, 14T275, 14T303, 14T304, 14T305, Sears 60105, Truetone CYJ4832A-87, 4862A-87: <L7, L11, L12, RV2-AMC>

US and Canadian SSB, PTBM048A0X, PTBM058COX:
AWA/Thorn 1503, Bowman CB950, Cardon Iroquios 40, Colt 480, 485DX, 890, 1000, 1200 (Excalibur), Gemtronics GTX77, GE 3-5825A, HyGain 2705 (V), 2785, 3108 (VIII), J.C. Penny 981-6247, JIL Citizen MPL-5, JIL SSB-M6, Lafayette Telsat SSB80, SSB120, SSB140, Midland 78-976, 79-892, Palomar 2900, Pearce-Simpson Super Panther, Bengal Mark I, RCA 14T302, Truetone CYJ4837A-87, Universe 5600: <L7, L11, L13, RV12-AMC, RV2-ALC, RV11-SSB Mic Gain, VR4-AM Power>

US SSB, PTBM080, 085COX, & PTRF003/004/005DOX:
Dak Mark X, GE 3-5825B, 5875A (Superbase), Midland 78-574, 78-999, 79-891, SBE LCBS-4: <L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV3-SSB Mic Gain, VR1, VR2 or VR10-AM Power>

Multimode Export, PTBM05059COX main board with PTOS006AOX or PTSY016AOX oscillator board:
Ham International Concorde, Jumbo, Multimode II, HyGain V, Lafayette 1200FM, Major M360, M588:
<L7- L11, L13, RV12-AMC, RV2-ALC, VR8-AM Power, RV11-SSB Mic Gain, RV3 or RV1-FM Dev>

Multimode Export, PTBM121D4X/121COX:
Cobra GTL150, Colt 320 DX, 320FM, 1200DX (Excalibur), Ham International Concorde II, Jumbo II, HyGain 2795, 2795DX, Intek 1200FM, Lafayette HB870AFS, Tristar 747: <L12, L14, RV14-AMC, RV4-ALC, RV12-SSB Mic Gain, RV13-AM Power, RV1-FM Deviation>

AM/SSB Export, PTBM122D0X,:
Cobra 148GTL-B: <L9, L16, RV14-AMC, RV5-ALC, RV13 SSB Mic Gain, RV15-AM Power>

Multimode Export, PTBM125AX4, PTBM131A4X:
Colt 1600DX, 2000DX, HyGain 8795 (V), Lafayette 1800, Midland 7001, Pacific 160, Superstar 2000, Tristar 777: <L16, L17, L18, RV12-AMC, RV3-ALC, RV11-AM Power, RV6-SSB Mic Gain, RV1-FM Deviation>

Multimode Export, PTBM133A4X:
Ham International Concorde III, Jumbo III, Multimode III: <T5, L11, RV12-AMC, RV3-ALC, RV11-Am Power, RV9-SSB Mic Gain, RV1-FM Deviation>

Multimode Export, PCMA001S:
Argus 5000, Colt 2400, Cobra 148GTL-DX (fake), CTE/Alan 88S, Falcon 2000, Lafayette 2400FM, Mongoose 2000, Nato 2000, Palomar 2400, 5000, Starfire DX, Superstar 2200, Thunder 2000, and also Tristar 797, 848: <T5, L16, RV12-AMC, RV3-AMC, RV3-ALC, RV11-AM Power, RV6-SSB Mic Gain, RV1-FM Deviation>

Walkie-Talkie Export, PTBM023A0X:
Ham International 8040, HyGain 80: <T4, L7, L11, L12, RV2-AMC>
Delco (GM) 90BCB1, 90BCB2, 90BFTC1, 80BCB2: <L4, L8, L9, RV2>
GE 3-5813A, 5814A, 5818A, 5819A, 5869A, JC Penney 981-6216, Midland 77-821, 77-859: <L5, L9, L10, RV2>
GE 3-5817A: <T4, L3, RV2>
SBE LCM-8: <L7, L11, L12, RV2>
Ranger / RCI
(by Model No. or Chassis Type)
RCI-2950/70/90 Series: "Non-DX" (Also includes Mirage 2950, Ranger 2950 et. al.)
<VR1-AM Receive Meter Calibration, VR2-SSB Receive Meter Calibration, VR3-SSB Squelch Threshold, VR4-AM Squelch Threshold, VR7-Carrier Balance, VR8-Transmit Meter Calibration, VR11-Driver Bias, VR12-SSB ALC Hi Power Adj., VR13-AM Hi Power Adj., VR14-AMC, VR15-AM Lo Power Carrier Adj., VR16-SSB ALC Lo Power, VR21-TX Frequency Adj., VC1-10.240 Xtal adj. (X1), VC2-10.240 Xtal adj. (X2), L27-AM Freq Adj., L28-LSB Freq. Adj., L29-USB Freq. Adj., L34, Q32-Mod. Shunt***Removal of Q32 renders AMC and ALC useless***>
You may place the jumpers (usually labeled J1-J2) on the small board behind the display in different places to get more channels and to make a CB band appear when you press the lock button on the front panel. Typical bandwidth is 26-29.7
RCI-6300 Series:
VR14 (AM Carrier), VR16 (AM Modulation), and Q39 (TX Audio Limiter).

RCI-6900 Series:
VR15 (AM Carrier), VR17 (AM Modulation), and Q43 (TX Audio Limiter).

RCI-2950/70/90 DX Series:
VR15 (AM Carrier), VR17 (AM Modulation), and Q43 (TX Audio Limiter).
RCI 8719
"Made In The Malaysia" Cobra 148GTL, Texas Ranger TR-296 et. al.:
<VR10-AM Power,VR11-AMC,VR7-AMC, VR6-RF Power Meter, VR1-AM Receive Meter, VR20-SSB Receive Meter, VR3-AM Squelch Threshold, VR5-TX Frequency, VR9-Driver Bias, VR8-Final Bias, L59-USB Frequency, L22-LSB Frequency, L23-AM Frequency.
Courier Blazer 40D, Renegade 40, Rogue 40, Fanon Fanfare 125F, 182F, 184DF: <T13, T14, L9, VR9>
Courier Nightrider 40DR, Ranger 40D, Fanon Fanfare 185PLL, 185DF, 190DF: <L116, L118, L119, L120, VR301>
Realsistic TRC448: <T206, T207, L208, VR5-AMC, VR204-ALC, VR4-SSB Mic Gain, VR210-AM Power>
Royce Sealed PLL Unit
GE 3-5830, Medallion 63-200, 63-240, Motorola CF925AX, Pioneer GT11, GT6600, Superscope Aircommand CBR-40: <L6, L4, L3, L1, VR2>
Kmart D40, Kraco KCB4001, Royce 604, 608, 609, 611, 619: <T302, L303, VR202>
Kraco KCB4070, Lake 5000, 5100, Mopar 4094173: <L311, L310, L319, L317, VR402>
Ray Jefferson CB740, Royce 1-621, 648: <T7, L4, VR3>
Royce 613: <T301, T302, CT301, CT302, VR202>
Royce 1-617: <L311, L310, L319, L317, VR401>
Royce 1-625, 653B, 658, 660, 662, 673, 675, 678, 680, 682: <T402, L403, L404, Q301>
Royce 1-641: <T15, L6, L1, VR7-AMC, VR8-ALC>
Courier Caravelle 40D, Conqueror 40D, Fanon 880DF, Realistic TRC455: <L407, L404, C430, R504-AMC>
JC Penney 981-6241, Sears 934.3827: <L702, L704, Q405-AMC>
JC Penney 981-6246, 981-6248, Sears 934.3826, 934.3831: <T406, T407, T408, Q303-AMC, RT402-ALC, RT01-AM Power>
Kris XL-45: <L306, L308, L309, VR201>
Kris XL-50: <L11, L12, L13, VR301>
Motorola T4000A, T4005A, T4009A, T4010A, T4020A, T4022A, T4025A, CM540: <All broadband tuning; no adjustment or AMC!>
Panasonic RJ3050, RJ3150: <L14, L16, L25, R117-AMC>
Panasonic RJ3100: <L14, L16, L17, L18, D21/D22-AMC>
Robyn 007-140, LB120, DG130D, WV110: <L15, L10, L11, L12, L13, VR6>
Utac TRX500, TRX4000: <L15, L14, L17, VR7>
Lake 650, Sears 370.3805: <T302, T303, R18-AMC>
Lafayette LM200, Telsat 1240: <L402, L405, L406, VR305>
Pace 8008, CB161: <T302, T303, R18-AMC>
Pace 8010A/8015A, 8113, 8117: <L304, L307, L308, R220>
Pace 8155: <L407, L408, C432, R310-AMC>
SBE 41CB, 42CB: <L303, L304, L306, CR203>
Automatic CBR2175, Boman CBR9940, Panasonic CR-B4737EU, Pearce-Simpson Leopard B, RCA 14T305, RCA 14T410: <L905, L903, VR903-AMC, VR901-AM Power>
Chrysler 4048076, 8077: <l206, L204, VR252>
Pace 8041, 8046, 8047, CB185: <L13, L14, R302>
Pace 8092: <L8, L10, L13, R307-AMC, C306-ALC>
Cobra 18+: <L7, L10, TR30-AMC>
Cobra 21+, 25+, 29+: <L15, L12, TR33-AMC>
SM5124A / SM5125B
Realistic TRC435: <L9, L12, VR4-AMC>
Cobra 33+: <L11, VR4>
Cobra 31+: <L16, L13, VR7>
Uniden President WILSON: <L14, L11, VR6-FM DEV>
Uniden Pro-500D, Pro-510e/520e, 510/520XL: <L6, L9, Q6-AMC>
Uniden PRO-530e, 535e: <L11, L14, Q20-AMC>
Uniden Pro-538w: <L11, L14, Q15-AMC>
Uniden PRO-710e: <L11, L8, Q12-AMC>
Realistic TRC484: <L206, L203, Q205>
Realistic TRC489: <L206, L203, Q206>
Browning Baron, Cobra 132XLR/135XLR, Tram D62: <L7, L3, R134-AMC, R130-ALC>
Browning Sabre, SST-2, Cobra 32XLR, 86/87 XLR, Sears 562.3802, 562.3822, Tram D42: <L5, L3, C301, Q18-AMC>
Kraco KCB4095: <L613, L610, L609, VR401>
Sharp CB750A, CB800A, CB2260, CB2460: <T304, L302, L303, R112-AMC>
Tram D12: <L5, L6, L3, R61-AMC>
Tram D62: <L206, L203, Q206>
TC9100P - see PLL02A
Midland 76-860, 77-861B: <T2, L3, L4, R57 or VR6-AMC>
Sharp CB2170, CB4370, CB4470, CB4670: <T304, L301, L302, R110-AMC>
Medallion 63-540, Motorola CT950AX: <L5, L1, L2, L3, VR501>
TRS Challenger 730, 1200: <L204, L205, VR1>
Wards GEN-680A, 716A: <L6, L7, L9, VR3>
Motorola CM550, CB550, CB555: <L310, L313, L316, VR701-AMC, VR303-ALC>
Cobra 18LTD/20LTD: <L10, L7, TR14-AMC>
Cobra 21GTL/25GTL, 21LTD/25LTD, Craig L104, Midland 200M, President P220, Andrew J, AR-44, AX-44, AR-711, AX-711, Uniden PC66: <L14, L10, VR5>
GE 3-5804B, 5815A, Realistic TRC425, TRC426, Teaberry Stalker III: <L903, L905, VR8>
GE 3-5804F, President AR-7: <L12, L16, TR17-AMC>
GE 3-5805: <L9, L12, TR18-AMC>
Midland 77-824B, Realistic TRC427: <L12, L15, VR5>
NDI PC101, PC102: <T502, T503, VR203>
President P200, P210: <L8, L11, TR14-AMC>
Realistic TRC473, TRC474: <L11, L8, VR4>
Uniden AX-43: <L9, L12, VR3>
Uniden PC-3: <L10, L7, TR14-AMC>
Uniden PC33, PC55: <L8, L11, TR14-AMC>
Uniden PRO-540e: <L16, L12, Q33>
Cobra 19GTL, 19LTD, 78X, President VEEP, AR-14, AX-14,
SBE LCMS-4, LCM5, Sears 663.3802, Sears 663.38009,
Teaberry Stalker IV, Stalker VIII, Uniden PC-14: <L12, L15, VR6>
Craig L103: <L13, L16, TR17-AMC>
GE 3-5804G: <T5, L3, VR5>
GE 3-5816A: <L7, RV4>
Realistic TRC216: <L9, L10, VR2-Low AMC, VR3-High AMC>
TC9119 UK Chassis PA034, PA039, etc.
Audioline 340, 341, 345, Tandy TRC2000, TRC2001, TRC2002, Uniace 100, 200: <L13, L10, VR5-FM Deviation>
Regency CR-240: <L214, L217, VR213>
Standard Horizon 29/29A: <L214, L217, VR213>
(by Chassis Type)
SSB Models:
Cobra 138/139XLR, Palomar SSB500 (early), President Adams, Grant (old), Madison (old), Washington (old), Realistic TRC449, TRC457, TRC458, Robyn SB510D/520D, Stag 357, Teaberry Stalker 101, 102, Teaberry Stalker 202, WKS 1001: <L32, L30, VR7-AMC, CT17-ALC, VR8-AM Power>
Courier Centurion PLL, Centurion 40D: <L19, L15, RT601-AMC, CT3-ALC, RT14-AM Power>
Courier Gladiator PLL, Spartan PLL, Fanon Fanfare 350F: <L10, L7, VR8-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR6-AM Power>
Midland 79-893: <L10, L7, RT601-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR6-AM Power>

3-Crystal AM Models:
Boman CBR-9600: <L110, L111, L113, RV105>
Cobra 21XLR, President John Q.: <L11, L12, L15, RT4>
Cobra 29XLR, 89 XLR, President Dwight D (old), Honest Abe, Teddy R, Zachary T (old), Robyn AM-500D, Teaberry "T" Bear, "T" Command, Titan "T": <L11, L12, L15, VR5>
Sears 934.380807: <L11, L12, L15, VR2>
Teaberry "T" Dispatch: <L13, L15, L301, VR3>

2-Crystal AM Models:
Cobra 21X, Cobra 77X, Courier Rebel PLL, Rebel 40A, Fanon Fanfare 100F1, Realistic TRC152, TRC452: <L212, L214, VR401>
Midland 13-883B: <L211, L212, L215, VR213>
Midland 77-883: <L212, L215, VR410>
(by Chassis Type)
SSB Models:
CDE Mark 26: <T14, L2, L5, Q19-AMC, R91-ALC>
Contact PSC301: <L107, L104, VR802-AMC, VR102-ALC>
Pearce-Simpson Super Bengal Mark II: <T14, L2, L5, Q19-AMC, R91-ALC>
Wagner 510: <L107, L104, VR802-AMC, VR102-ALC>

Binary AM Models:
Panasonic RJ-3250: <L8, L16, FL1, FL2, R70-AMC>
Panasonic RJ3450: <L7, FL1, FL2, R50-AMC>
Panasonic RJ3600, RJ3660: <L7, L10, R94-AMC>
Realistic TRC424: <L906, L909, L910, VR9>
Realsitic TRC431: <L907, L910, VR7>
Realsitic TRC456: <L903, L905, VR8>
Superscope Aircommand CB140, CB340, CB640: <L407, L409, L410, Q601-AMC>

BCD/ROM Models:
Boman CBM-6100: <L313, L314, L334, Q221-AMC>
Colt 350, Convoy CON-400, SBE 49CB: <L34, L37, R121-AMC>
JC Penney 981-6221, 6255, Sears 934.380817, 934.381107, 934.381207: <T704, T705, Q502-AMC>
JC Penney 981-6203, 6237, Sears 934.3806, 934.3808, Realistic TRC468: <T13, T14, T15, Q10-AMC>
Realistic TRC440, TRC466, TRC467: <L104, L106, Q107-AMC>
Realistic TRC461: <L11, L14, L15, VR2>
TRX Challenger 600: <T214, L208, VR1>
Audiovox MDU6000: <L202, L207, R279-AMC>
Tristar 727: <L12, L15, L16, VR11-High AMC, VR12-Mid AMC, VR13-Low AMC, VR10-FM Deviation>
TRS Challenger 850, 1400: <L2, L5, VR1-AMC, VR8-ALC, VR15-AM Power>
Audiovox MCB5000: <L202, L204, R268-AMC>
JIL 615CB: <L201, L202, L203, L204, VR101>
Cobra 66GTL, Craig L150, President James K, AR-11: <L15, L17, VR2>
Midland 77-856, Realistic TRC469: <L12, L15, VR5>
President Old Hickory: <L11, L9, VR5>
Realistic TRC420: <L104, L106, Q107-AMC>
Realistic TRC420A: <L4, L3, Q14-AMC>
Realistic TRC421,TRC422: <L9, L12, Q11-AMC>
Realistic TRC432: <L4, L3, Q10-AMC>
Realistic TRC441: <L107, L104, Q114-AMC>
AM Models:
Cobra 29GTL, 29LTD, 29LTD-WX, 29LTD Classic,  President Thomas J, Superstar 120: <L11, TR17>
Teaberry Stalker V: <L16, L14, VR4>
Cobra 63GTL: <L14, L11, VR3>
Cobra 87GTL, 89GTL, 1000GTL, President Dwight D (new), Robert, Thomas J,  Zachary T (new), SBE LCB-8, Teaberry Stalker XII: <L16, L13, VR6>
Uniden PTC-104 Trucker, PC76XL: <L15, L12, VR2>

SSB Models:
Midland 6001/7001 (early US version): <L14, L16, RV9-AMC, RV8-ALC, RV1-AM Power>
(by PCB Number)
PC833, PC865, PB015:
Cobra 146GTL. Midland 6001, 7001 (new), 79-260, Pearce-Simpson Super Cheetah, President P300, AR-144, AX-144, Realistic TRC451, Sears 663.3810, Uniden PC244: <L38, L37, L27, VR5-AMC, VR6-ALC, VR10-AM Power>

PC581, PC582, PC621:
Craig L132, L232, Wards GEN-719A: <L28, L29, L36, TR32-AMC, VR7-ALC, VR6-AM Power>

Realistic TRC453, Uniden PC122, PC122XL: <L34, L26, VR5-AMC, VR6-ALC, VR10-AM Power>

Realistic TRC465, Uniden Pro 810e: <L26, VR5-AMC, VR6-ALC, VR10-AM Power>

Uniden Pro-640e: <L26, VR5-AMC, VR6-ALC, VR10-AM Power>